Erickson’s Automotive believes and practices the AMERICAN SERVICE ASSOCIATION (ASA) Code of Ethics:

  • To perform high quality repair service at a fair and just price.
  • To use only proven merchandise of high quality distributed by reputable firms.
  • To employ the best skilled technicians obtainable.
  • To furnish an itemized invoice for fairly priced parts and services that clearly identifies any used or remanufactured parts. Replaced parts may be inspected upon request.
  • To have a sense of personal obligation to each customer.
  • To promote good will between the motorist and members of the association.
  • To recommend corrective and maintenance services, explaining to the customer which of these are required to correct existing problems and which are for preventive maintenance.
  • To offer the customer a price estimate for work to be performed.
  • To furnish or post copies of any warranties covering parts or services.
  • To obtain prior authorization for all work done, in writing, or by other means satisfactory to the customer.
  • To notify the customer if appointments or completion promises cannot be kept.
  • To maintain customer service records for one year or more.
  • To exercise reasonable care for the customer’s property while in our possession.
  • To maintain a system for fair settlement of customer’s complaints.
  • To cooperate with established consumer complaint mediation activities.
  • To uphold the high standards of our profession and always seek to correct any and all abuses within the automotive industry.